16th October 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
As we come to the end of another week, a very big thank you for following the new end of day routines. It is working well and allowing more space when collecting pupils.
I am very happy to report that St Anthony’s remains COVID free. With the number of cases rising across the UK it remains critical that everybody continues to observe key behaviours:
HANDS - Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds.
FACE - Cover your face in enclosed spaces, especially where social distancing may be difficult and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
SPACE - Stay 2 metres apart where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place.
School Council
The new School Council met this week. We reflected on the successes we have had over the years helping to make changes to St Anthony’s, such as: the climbing area and football court, the KS4 common room, fruit pots at break times and the hundreds of pounds we have raised for charity.
It was decided that every classroom should have a suggestion box, so that all pupils could suggest ideas for us to discuss. Also, we agreed to have a colouring competition to raise money for Poppy Day.
We introduced the prefects at our virtual assembly this week and announced Nicole in Year 10 as head girl.
Next week we will be completing questionnaires with parents/carers, pupils and staff. It is always good to see what others think of how we are doing and to address any issues that are highlighted. We will be posting the parental questionnaire on Dojo and the website early next week, and we would appreciate getting as many back as possible. If you cannot access the questionnaire, please contact the office for a paper copy to be sent home.
Emotional development
During this time, your child may be experiencing a range of emotions – they may feel worried, sad, lonely, or frightened for example. It can be difficult for children to know what they are feeling and why they are feeling that way. This is a good time to focus on children’s emotional development, supporting them to recognise what they are feeling, articulate it and manage strong emotions.
Tips for supporting children’s emotional development
• Encourage children to talk about their emotions.
· For children who have difficulty talking about their emotions, help them to label the feeling and encourage them to talk about it: e.g., “It looks like you might be feeling worried, can you tell me why?”
· The simple act of naming the emotion can help children understand it more clearly.
• There is no such thing as a bad emotion.
· All emotions are normal and natural, though they can be experienced as either comfortable or uncomfortable. Explain to children that it is normal to feel sad, worried, or angry, and that talking about our emotions can help.
· A key message to relay is that it is perfectly okay to talk about our feelings but it is not always okay to act on our feelings (i.e. control your behaviour not your feelings).
• Share your own feelings.
· Don’t be afraid to share your own feelings with children during the day, using a wide range of emotion words. Sharing your feelings helps children learn to identify their own emotions more accurately.
PTFA Sweet Sale
Next Friday to celebrate the end of term 1 the PTFA is having a sweet sale. Pupils will be able to purchase a bag of mixed sweets for £1 at the end of the day. Due to COVID restrictions we are not able to run our traditional fundraisers for the PTFA so we are looking at new ways to ensure we have funds to support our pupils so please support the PTFA.
Finally as the weather gets colder we are fortunate to have a range of duvets, blankets, pillows and bedding. If you know someone who could benefit please get in touch with Kirstie.
Last day of term 1 – Friday 23rd October
First day term 2 – Monday 2nd November
Training Day – Monday 23rd November
Last day term 2 – Friday 18th December
Yours sincerely
Robert Page - Headteacher