Pupils are expected to wear correct school uniform:
- Navy School Sweatshirt/fleece
- Plain white school shirt/blouse or polo shirt.
- Black or Dark Grey Trousers/Skirt.
- Dark coloured/white socks.
- Plain black school shoes or trainer type shoes.
- In the summer girls may wear a blue check dress and boys may wear black or grey school shorts.
P.E. Kit: Plain navy polo shirt or T shirt, black or navy shorts and trainers.
Swimming Kit: Swimming trunks/shorts, swimming costume and a towel.
Pupils are allowed to wear:
- One pair of ear studs but NO loop earrings.
- No other studs or piercings are to be worn.
- A wristwatch
- No necklaces/bracelets unless for medical reasons.
- No make-up to be worn including nail varnish.
All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s first and surname.
Uniform is available from:
The Schoolwear Centre
56 Addington Street
01843 293555